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(1) 李娟  李东生 中医微观辨证和标准化治疗糖尿病                            
Treating diabetes in TCM
(4)杨海峰 温针灸结合运动针法治疗肩周炎疗效观察                           
Effective observation on treating periarthritis of shoulder
in warmed needle and moxibustion plus exercise needling therapy
(6)马永春  陈正昕  金卫东 中西医结合治疗抑郁症的初步观察                
Preliminary observation on treating depression in the integrative medicine
(8)周红  陈耀军  徐颖 降脂饮颗粒的质量控制                   
Quality control of lipid-lowering drink particles
(10)洪光  范纪钦  周翠萍 合快速回旋法治疗颈椎病86例                     
Treating 86 cases of cervical spondylosis
by function pad traction plus fast convolution therapy
(12)张玲丽  肖晓华  朱红霞 电针加拔罐、耳穴贴压
治疗功能性便秘 38例临床观察                           
Clinical observation on treating 38 cases of functional constipation by
electroacupuncture combined with cupping plus auricular point sticking
(14)介思  石慧 穴位埋线治疗单纯性肥胖症 40例临床观察                   
Clinical observation on treating 40 cases
of simple obesity by catgut implantation at acupoints
(16)于青  肖晓华  彭泽深  针刺加艾箱灸治疗原发性痛经的疗效观察         
Effective observation on treating primary
dysmenorrhea in acupuncture plus moxibustion in box
(18)郑艺   袁彬   程为平 穴位埋线法治疗癫痫的研究                              
A review on treating epilepsy by catgut embedding therapy
(20)沈乐 针灸抗衰老                                                  
Anti-Aging by acupuncture
(22)董升  梁振新 三部推拿治疗脾虚气弱型便秘32例                            
  Treating 32 cases of spleen qi is weak constipation by Sanbu massage
(23)张菊阳   张兵 针刺加走罐治疗腰肌劳损临床疗效观察                       
Clinical effective observation on treating
lumbar muscle strain by acupuncture plus cupping
(25)袁彬   郑艺   程为平 针药并用治疗癫痫的临床研究进展                      
A review on treating epilepsy in acupuncture plus TCM
(28)  郑伟莉 头针晕听区长时间留针
Treating 60 cases of nervous tinnitus by long
time acupuncture plus body acupuncture at Yunting Area
(29)杨庆贤 腹针为主治疗腰椎间盘突出症疗效观察                            
Effective observation on treating lumbar disc herniation in acupuncture
(31) 高斐斐  刘志明 易混生药山豆根及其几种易混品的鉴别                   
Distinguish of pharmacognosy tonkinensis confusing and several analogues
(33) 段敏 益气温阳方对心衰患者心功能及脑钠肽水平的影响                   
Effect of Yiqi Wenyang prescription on chronic heart
failure of cardiac function and plasma brain natriuretic peptide
(35)宋晓奇   宋庆华 半夏泻心汤治疗消化性溃疡 38例                      
  Treating 38 cases of peptic ulcer with Banxia Xiexin decoction
(36) 杨利生 龙骨牡蛎汤治疗顽固性失眠 54例                                    
Treating 54 cases of intractable insomnia with Longgu Muli decoction
(37)泽朗华尔丹 浅论藏西药学结合的可能性                                       
Discussion on possibility of Tibetan drugs plus Western drug
(38)杨谦  张晓燕 异病同治,当归四逆汤临床心悟                            
Different disease pathogenesis, angelica
four inverse soup clinical heart enlightenment
(40)   刘镇   古春花   刘惠灵 真武汤对心力衰竭患者血浆
Effect of Zhenwu decoction on the level of patients
with heart failure B-type natriuretic titanium with nitric oxide
(42)黄彤  周庆云  吴凤 中药足浴结合辨证施膳对失眠患者的疗效分析     
Effective analysis of treating insomnia with
Chinese medicine footbaths plus catering facilities dialectical
(44)  廖仲伟 中医药治疗慢性盆腔炎 121例临床观察                         
Clinical observation on treating cases 121
of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease in TCM
(46)凌继荣 黄连温胆汤加减治疗脾胃湿热型痞满证疗效观察                
Effective observation on treating spleen-type
fullness card with Huanglian Wendan decoction
(48) 黄柳向 疏肝清胃健脾法治疗胃食管反流病疗效观察                    
Effective observation on treating
gastroesophageal reflux disease by Shusan Qingwei Jianpi therapy
(50)吴剑威 两种不同方法测定红细胞比积结果分析                          
Results analysis of determination hematocrit by two different methods
(51)   栗启龙 中医治疗格林-巴利综合征临床研究                             
clinical study on treating Guillain-Barre syndrome in TCM
(52)龙莉 半导体激光联合糖皮质激素
Clinical observation on treating neurodermatitis
by semiconductor laser plus corticosteroid ointment
(53)陈惠萍 半蹲位不保留灌肠法在临床应用中的研究                        
A study on clinical experience for clyster of squat position
(54) 刘均 可控电凝头的研制及其在
Development and application of
controlled coagulation head treating varicose veins
(55)蒙美禄   宾博平 婴幼儿湿疹发病相关因素的研究现状                  
A review on factors related of infant eczema
(56)董林林 孙永强 骨小梁金属与空心钉治疗股骨头坏死疗效比较         
Effective comparison of treating early
avascular necrosis by trabecular metal and hollow screw
(58)封理明 益气开郁汤合西药治疗中风后抑郁症 32例临床观察          
Clinical observation on treating 32 cases of depression 
after stroke with Yiqi Kaiyu decoction plus western medicine
(59)郝孟花  胡安慧 自拟方溶栓通脉散治疗急性脑梗塞的疗效观察          
Effective observation on treating acute
cerebral infarction with Rongshuan Tongmai San
(61) 陈廷选  朱慧敏 脑卒中后抑郁的中西医结合治疗                          
Treating post-stroke depression in the integrative medicine
(62)施德丽  张丽娟  高芳 宫腹腔镜联合诊治不孕症 57例临床分析       
Clinical analysis of treating 57 cases of infertility by laparoscopy
(64)吕松峰 负压封闭引流配合胫骨皮
Treating traumatic skin defects of the lower leg bone by VSD plus tibial flap
(65)李绘娟  黄倩怡  李玉军 从扶阳论脊柱相关性疾病                       
Spine-related disease from Fuyang theory
(67)郭蕾 试论经筋体系形成的思想基础                                          
Discussion on ideological basis of system formed of Jingjin
(69)张志伟 糖尿病体内拒“食”甘学说                                           
Discussion the body refused to Eat Gan of diabetes
(70)温木生 脐疗与生物全息论                                                        
Navel therapy and Bio-holographic view
(71) 余亮 当归四逆汤加减治验举隅                                                 
Experience for treatment of Danggui Sini decoction
(72)李洪燕 人工周期配合中药内服治疗顽固性便秘36例                      
Treating 36 cases of intractable constipation by artificial cycle plus TCM oral
(73)顾树祥 脾肾阳虚慢性水肿治验                                                  
Experience for spleen deficiency with chronic edema
(74)郑明秋 浅谈化疗患者不良反应的护理干预对策                             
Discussion on the nursing intervention strategies of chemotherapy side effects
(75)李志强 银翘散治疗小儿幼儿急疹108例                                     
Treating 108 cases of acute measles in children children with Yinqiao San
(76) 孙志兴 徐福松教授治疗遗精的学术思想初探                              
Discussion on academic thought of
treating seminal emission of Professor XU Fu-song
(77)刘欢 中药配合卡介苗素注射剂治疗扁平疣疗效观察                      
effective observation on treating flat wart in TCM plus BCG injection
(78)王建国 中医药治疗糖尿病性腹泻35例疗效观察                           
Effective observation on treating 35 cases of diabetic diarrhea in TCM
(79)卢宝丽  胡娇 早产儿吞咽功能障碍训练法的临床干预                     
Clinical intervention training in
swallowing dysfunction of premature children
(80)黄建良 中西医结合治疗“时复目痒”49例临床观察                     
Clinical observation on treating 49 cases
Of Shifu Muyang in the integrative medicine
(82)吴振华  胡仕其 中西医结合治疗复杂胫骨平台骨折疗效观察            
Effective observation on treating complex
tibial plateau fractures in the integrative medicine
(84) 程坚 隆力福胶囊治疗病态窦房结综合征体会                              
Experience for treating sick sinus syndrome with Longlifu capsule
(86)郭智宽   金杰 金杰教授治疗慢性疲劳综合征经验                         
Experience for chronic fatigue syndrome from Professor JIN Jie
(87)高华  徐晓英 中西药结合治疗早期糖尿病肾病 45例临床观察         
Clinical observation treating early
diabetes nephropathy in the integrative medicine
(89)李现林   白玉 孙树椿治疗颈椎病经验总结                                     
Review on experience for treating cervical spondylosis of SUN Shu-chun
(90)周伟  薛博瑜 慢性乙肝中西医治疗进展                                        
A review on treating chronic hepatitis B in the integrative medicine
(92)唐建军 穴位注射治疗阑尾包块 125例疗效观察                            
Effective observation on treating
125 cases of appendix mass by point injection
(93)陈伟惠  全常群 场效应治疗仪配合金黄洗剂治疗会阴水肿              
Treating perineal edema by field effect
therapeutic apparatus plus golden lotion
(94)宋永伟 轻巧稳准治颈椎                                                          
Treating cervical vertebra by massage therapy
(95)高文香 刘柏龄教授治疗骨关节炎辨证用药特点                            
Treatment characteristics of treating osteoarthritis of Professor LIU Bo-ling
(97)孙桂玲 参松养心胶囊治疗不稳定
Treating 60 cases of unstable angina pectoris
and arrhythmia with Shensong Yangxin capsule
(98)汪建平  李俊海 激光穴位照射对腰椎间盘突出症止痛效果的观察       
Observation on analgesic effect of lumbar disc herniation by laser irradiation
(100)谭文 健康教育保留灌肠治疗放射性肠炎33例                            
Treating 33 cases of acute radiation
enteritis with retention enema plus health education
(102)王红梅 王琳樊 降糖通络汤治疗糖尿病周围神经病变临床观察       
Effective observation on treating Diabetic
Peripheral Neuropathy with Jiangtang Tongluo decoction
(104)向未  刘菊容 胃痛贴治疗脾胃虚寒型慢性萎缩性胃炎的体会         
Experience for treating chronic atrophic gastritis
of spleen deficiency type with Weitong point application
(105)王耀平  麻晓 46例高血压脑出血病人的临床观察与对策             
Clinical observation and measures
of 46 cases of hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage
(107)刘永霞  高清 围绝经期异常子宫出血疾病
The clinical analysis and humanized nursing for disease
of abnormal uterine bleeding in perimenopausal hysteroscopy
(109)何凡  刘威  英锡相 如何在中药制剂分析实
How to training experimental ability
students on analysis of chinese medicine preparations
(110)王伟 磨牙症的辨证论治思考                                               
Discussion on syndrome differentiation and treatment of bruxism
(111) 张淑峰 冠心病患者饮食的临床观察与对策                             
Clinical observation and measures
of coronary heart disease patient diet
(112)张瑞琴 脑血管病的临床观察与对策                                       
Clinical observation and measures of cerebrovascular disease
(113)邓淑芬  梁秀兰  舒适护理对骨折手术患者的整体效果评价            
Overall effect evaluation of comfortable
nursing care on the fracture operation patient
(115)臧雪英  滕安霞 老年骨科患者护理的重要性和特殊性                
Importance and specificity of elderly orthopedic patient care
(117)王娟  于翠玲 28例严重创伤失血性休克的急救与施护               
First aid and nursing 28 cases of severe traumatic hemorrhagic shock
(118)郭天坤 输血网络建设                                                         
Construction of blood transfusion network
(119) 陈建新 我院 3400张中药处方分析                                      
An analysis of 3400 TCM prescription
(120)宋小梅 民营医院发展护理队伍感慨                                       
Lament on developing nursing team in private hospital
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